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Earth Simulator

Various angles of the Earth showing a timelapse of a single day.

The day of August 22, 2023, viewed in Earth Simulator.

I created a rendering engine to visualize global satellite imagery in three dimensions. The user can rotate the globe and visualize which parts of the Earth are visible from each satellite. The app makes it simple to download and process geostationary satellite data using Satpy and also uses a custom geolocated blending algorithm to create a seamless transition between images. For more info, see my blog post: Earth Simulator


24 hour global time-lapse

24-hour global time-lapse

I created a website, earth-now, that generates a visible and IR composite mosaic of the Earth from five geostationary satellites every thirty minutes. For more information, see the following blog post: Getting the latest global imagery

Honors thesis

Thesis figure

Model results

My undergraduate honors thesis, completed in May of 2023, was titled Geochemical Analysis and Numerical Modeling of Central and East Tennessee Mississippi Valley-Type Ore Districts: Constraints on Ore Genesis.

In addition to processing sphalerite ores from these districts for isotopic analysis, I created a simple stochastic model to simulate mixing between multiple ore fluids. This model was utilized to semiquantitatively compare lead (Pb) isotope data from multiple districts to predicted results from likely mixing scenarios.

Results contradicted previous hypotheses which speculated that an Illinois-Kentucky source supplied some ore fluids to Central Tennessee and Kentucky, while supporting claims that they share a relationship with the East Tennessee district.


Astro-sim is a simple brute-force finite element NBody particle simulation using OpenGL and CUDA, written in C++. I created it as an opportunity to learn the basics of parallel programming with CUDA and explore scientific visualization with OpenGL. Particles are colored based on their velocities, resulting in a mesmerizing display of symmetry, depending on the initial conditions. For more details, see the following blog post: A brute-force NBody approach to modeling gravity